Pigmentation Removal

Pigmentation removal helps to reduce and erase sun spots and other skin pigmentation. Lenzie Clinic offers a safe and effective pigmentation removal system.


Pigmentation comes in many forms and has different root causes. Sun spots (lentigines) are due to sun exposure, whereas port wine stains and other birth marks are congenital. There are varying colours of skin pigmentation and a laser that treats one type is unlikely to affect another. That is where the skill, knowledge and experience of our Lenzie Clinic staff makes all the difference. We will assess your skin and use the technology best designed for your pigmentation removal.

Before visiting us, please have the areas you would like treated assessed by a qualified medical practitioner. Skin cancers are notoriously difficult to diagnose without the correct expertise and equipment. We therefore require your cooperation in this before we can perform treatments that alter your skin’s appearance.

Does pigmentation removal hurt?

Your comfort is important to us. If we’re using the latest “Coolpeel” technology, no pain relief is required. Most people liken the feeling to a slight stinging sensation. If we use a laser without an in-built chiller, we use a cryo-chiller which is very effective at relieving pain.

How many treatments will I require?

You will see results following just one treatment, but the number of treatments can depend on the outcome you are after. Your skin pigment will be lighter with one treatment but you may want complete removal which requires between two and five treatments.
Desired outcomes are something we discuss during your free consultation, and we will advise on the best options to achieve the ideal results.

How much does it cost?

Cost can be discussed at your free consultation when we can assess the extent of the area to be treated, but the average facial treatment is $450 per session.

What before and after treatment care is required?

We will provide a full set of before and after treatment instructions which will be tailored to suit your treatment. These will be discussed at your free consultation.

Ready to book your free consultation?

Zoom consultations available as required.